How Chathura Senaratna's wife Samangi shed emotional tears and canvassed to attract votes from Gampaha
Among brickbats aimed at Gampaha District Member of Parliament Chathura Senaratna was the subject of creating news by 'boasting about his exploits' and one such incident was which contributed towards clinching victory in
Gampaha which happened to be a district with which he had no connection at all, so to say.
Gampaha which happened to be a district with which he had no connection at all, so to say.
It was the opinion of some people that the incredible speeches he made during the election campaign had in fact deluded Gampaha people who pinned faith on such things. But rumours began to spread that it was the luring manner his beloved Sarupa Samangi who comported herself during the course of the election campaign which he used with ease as a trump card to win the election.
Samangi presently follows her studies at SAITM Private Medical College to become a doctor and has also carried out a part of relevant duties on behalf of Chathura at the election campaign. What is seen from the video below is the sensitive moment where she asked for pardon from those gathered at a meeting for the delay in providing meals for those people on which matter she happened to speak in a very emotional tone.