Sri Lankan staff who went through a barbed-wire fence and reported for duty at Madurai Airport!
A queer alternate method had been discovered to report for duty by the Sri Lankan staff because the access gate of Madurai Airport in Tamil Nadu had been obstructed as a result of a public protest and the video in that connection is seen across the internet.
Public life has been disrupted with a host of flights being subjected to various delays as a result of
public protests that have flared up in Tamil Nadu, India these days displaying opposition against prohibition of 'Gava pora' contests. In the meantime the flight staff who were stationed at a hotel meant for them had to arrive at the aeroplane scheduled to fly from Madurai to Colombo well in advance from the said hotel.Whatever it is, since traffic obstructions was an issue to everybody that particular day, both the flight staff as well as passengers were inconvenienced in getting at the relevant location at the scheduled time and the flight staff could easily have brought this out as an excuse and turned back and gone to their hotel. But the Sri Lankan staff who were dedicated to their duties, without arriving at such a decision had deviated and gone around with the aid of the driver and then crept through a barbed-wire fence. Thus they had somehow or other managed to gain entry to the airport and have reported for duty. It was Captain Mr. de Alwis and his staff who had faced this predicament.