Mattala Airport for sale
A report in the Forbes Magazine published day-before-yesterday has announced that the Hambantota Mattala Rajapaksa Airport is available for sale and that investors interested could forward their Expression of Interest (EOI) during the period until 12th August. Even prior to this it is this same magazine which had published the amazing report that the world's emptiest airport is the Mattala
Airport. The caption published in the article this time reads "For sale: The World's Emptiest Airport". If there is any investor interested in buying it, in that case in the future it would operate as a private airport.The publishers who define Mattala which operates only 2 flights (the second being added in the month of May) as a waste of money of Sri Lanka from March 2013 when it was opened has also mentioned that because the government who obtained a loan of $190 million from Xim Bank in China that time to erect the airport was unable to settle that loan, the person buying the airport would have to settle that loan.
For the convenience of interested buyers, the Forbes article in this respect, from here