Cabinet approval sought to admit 40 students to Grade 1
From next year the cabinet board approval has been obtained to increase the number of students to Grade 1 up to 40.
The Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam had notified on the 16th instant to all heads of schools that a petition had been sent to the Supreme court to increase the intake of students to Grade 1 from 35 to 40.
The minister had said this addressing all heads of school the day before yesterday when he met them at a meeting. However he told to adhere to all circulars sent to heads of schools by the Ministry of education until a Supreme court notifies them.
Hence only 35 students to Grade 1 class should be admitted until the ministry gets a communication from Supreme court.
It was decided to accommodate only 35 students to a class in Grade 1 on the advice of the Supreme court. However to increase this number to 40 a petition has been sent to Supreme court by the ministry of education.